I have some great news for those of you who struggle with shoulder rigs, not sure how to make them lighter and easier to work with. Continue reading Atlas Camera Support
Category Archives: Making Of / BTS
Gun Fire (Muzzle Flare) Tutorial
I get often asked how I do gun shooting effects in my films. In this post I thought I would finally answer those questions. Continue reading Gun Fire (Muzzle Flare) Tutorial
“Side Effects” starring Katherine Heigl – a great lesson in filmmaking
For those of you who have not seen the 2005 low-budget indie film Side Effects starring Katherine Heigl, I recommend watching it. It is not because the film is great – it actually has a lot of shortcomings – but it definitely is interesting, especially for filmmakers looking to learn from others what to do and what not to do.
Continue reading “Side Effects” starring Katherine Heigl – a great lesson in filmmaking
Film Shoot Without Lights – how Dallas Buyers Club was made
Indie filmmakers have to always be efficient and resourceful. This type of filmmaking, though, develops skills that can be critical even when working with multimillion dollar budgets. A great example of this is Dallas Buyers Club directed by Jean-Marc Vallee. Continue reading Film Shoot Without Lights – how Dallas Buyers Club was made
The Power of Your Inner Light
I wanted to showcase another great film by an Ecuadorian filmmaker Danny Ruan. I’ve already featured one of his films before on my YouTube channel titled Te Amo. Continue reading The Power of Your Inner Light
Anamorphic Lens Look – Cheap Solution with CineMorph
A lot of filmmakers these days try to get the epic film look of the old Cinemascope days. Those are the films that were shot with anamorphic lenses – lenses which allowed to get an extra wide aspect ratio on the standard 35mm motion picture film stock. Continue reading Anamorphic Lens Look – Cheap Solution with CineMorph
Movie Magic (without VFX)
Visual effects are a huge part of film and video production these days. From the smallest music videos to big budget films, it seems like everyone is using effects to spice up their work. Continue reading Movie Magic (without VFX)
Blackmagic Production 4K Camera Review & Tests
Almost every filmmaker and video expert out there wonders what kind of quality they can expect from the new Blackmagic Design Production 4K camera. Continue reading Blackmagic Production 4K Camera Review & Tests
Lensbabies – cutest lenses around
If you ever wanted to experiment with in-camera optical effects, then there is no better way to do this than with a set of Lensbaby lenses. Continue reading Lensbabies – cutest lenses around
Making of “Ultimate Movie” trailer
I realized that some of my new followers missed a cool project I did for Indy Mogul and Google at the start of 2012. So I thought I would post all the videos and tutorials here. This way you can easily find it. It’s about 40 minutes to watch. In the videos I cover everything from lighting to camera movement and color correction. Continue reading Making of “Ultimate Movie” trailer