Tag Archives: Making Of / BTS

How A Film With Out-of-focus Shots Won An Oscar In Cinematography

It is natural for filmmakers to be a bit obsessive about the technical aspects of their films. We all want our work to be as close to perfection as possible. That is fine, but only as long as we don’t lose the big picture, which is to tell an entertaining story. The truth is, if you absorb your audience in the story, the technical mistakes will be forgiven, or they might even go unnoticed. A good example of this is the Oscar-winning “Braveheart. Continue reading How A Film With Out-of-focus Shots Won An Oscar In Cinematography

“Side Effects” starring Katherine Heigl – a great lesson in filmmaking

For those of you who have not seen the 2005 low-budget indie film Side Effects starring Katherine Heigl, I recommend watching it. It is not because the film is great – it actually has a lot of shortcomings – but it definitely is interesting, especially for filmmakers looking to learn from others what to do and what not to do.

Continue reading “Side Effects” starring Katherine Heigl – a great lesson in filmmaking

Color Correction – matching sunny and cloudy shots

In this tutorial, I show you how to get around a common problem when filming outside on a day with a mix of sun and clouds. Since you can’t always stop and wait till the light matches all your previous shots, you will have to do what big productions do – fix it with color correction. Continue reading Color Correction – matching sunny and cloudy shots