The French have invaded my YouTube channel today! Or at least one Frenchman has 🙂
His name is Serge Ramelli. He is a photographer living in Paris, France. I’ve watched his tutorials and I am always amazed at how he can take any boring picture and really make it stand out. He adds a kind of dramatic and cinematic edge to photos that make all the difference in the world. The best part is that he shares how he does it all through his YouTube channel.
In this tutorial Serge Ramelli will show you how a pro adjust his photos in Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom to make a boring picture look like a cinematic masterpiece! The same techniques can be applied to video clips in both Lightroom but also other video programs such as Adobe Speed Grade or After Effects.
Below is the video and here you can download the RAW Photos so you can follow along with the tutorial:
I am filmmaker from Nigeria. I would like learn more of filmmaking techniques( gamut of filmmaking) through your inspiring works(tutorials). Thanks