Dual Handles for Gimbals – Are they worth it?

Today I take a look at the new dual handles for gimbals from DigitalFoto to see if they are good.

I am also installing a new accessory I got for my Moza Air 2 gimbal which is also from DigitalFoto. What I got is an arm that extends in the back of the gimbal sort of like the handle on the great Zhiyun Crane 3 LAB. This handle makes it really easy to do low angle shots. On top of that it also comes with an adjustable shoulder strap that allows you to take the weight off your arms so you can relax or carry the gimbal for a lot longer.

As far as the dual handles I think they are really well made, just as all of the other products I’ve tested out from DigitalFoto. Is it worth getting them? That really depends on your personal shooting style. I actually prefer the L handle that I also got from DigitalFoto. But I know some filmmaker friends of mine that do like the dual handles better because it allows them to put more accessories onto the long bar.

Get the TERMINATOR-AIR 2 handle
(Compatible with Moza Air 2 & Crane 2)
Amazon https://amzn.to/2QdnYeq
B&H https://bhpho.to/31ubVe7
Amazon UK https://amzn.to/2AkUjW7
Amazon Germany https://amzn.to/32E8bH4

Dual Handles
(Compatible with Moza Air 2, DJI RONIN S & SC)
Amazon https://amzn.to/34RlaH6
B&H https://bhpho.to/31saGMh

L bracket for single handle gimbals
B&H https://bhpho.to/2FF3pPC
AMAZON USA https://amzn.to/2JTjkPA
AMAZON UK https://amzn.to/2Uqljik

DJI Ronin-S Handle
B&H https://bhpho.to/2IoiKsB
Amazon https://amzn.to/2SYFmnz
Amazon Canada https://amzn.to/2EgEkLf
Amazon UK https://amzn.to/2BIyII7
Amazon Germany https://amzn.to/2BGiwY6

Crane 2 Handle
B&H https://bhpho.to/2IAvnB1
Amazon https://amzn.to/2Eg8EWo
Amazon UK https://amzn.to/2DVC1ft
Amazon Canada https://amzn.to/2EiQyTR
Amazon Germany https://amzn.to/2BGUg7X

Some of my links have an affiliate code, allowing me to make a small commission at no additional cost to you. Thanks!

The opinions expressed in this video were not influenced by or paid for by any outside individual or company. I use and test lots of products that are sent to me or that I buy myself. In the end, I only talk about the products that I find interesting.

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